Sunday, March 11, 2012

More wrist warmers

Another gray Sunday. I slept until noon and spent most of the time watching movies or getting lost in the big black hole known as the world wide web. I am rather talented in bringing my browser to its virtual knees by opening multiple tabs without any mercy. However, this peculiar habit seems to reflect the state I am in most of the times - too many things to do, and the unwavering will to conquer them all at once.

Luckily I did manage to get something done last week, besides my mouthwatering pancakes for breakfast of course. I needed to take some pictures of my wrist warmers, and U. has been a wonderfully patient and pleasant model to get these done on a sunny afternoon last week. Only a few more bits and pieces and they can finally go into my shop, whose opening seems long overdue. But I wanted a few scarfs and cowls to accompany them, before it's all set and ready for your browsing eyes. Soon, soon!


  1. Your wristwarmers are so nice! I've been checking your Etsy-page many times cause i'm so curious to see what you'll come up with!!

    What a shame there was no sun there, it was such a beautiful day here, almost time to put the winterclothes away! I've heard that we'll have 18° on thursday, that sounds heavenly :)

    Enjoy your sunday evening!
    Big hug & lots of love for you x

  2. They are beautiful and the pictures too.
    Hugs, Pauline

  3. i still enjoy the one
    from you last year.
    happy holidays to you mina


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