Sunday, January 08, 2012

Happy new year!

After a week filled with laughter and tears of old friends, the joy of gifting and receiving, exceptional culinary treats, sharing old tunes and the desire to divide myself into just enough pieces so I could spend an equal amount with everyone I love so dearly, I am trying to find my way back to a daily routine.

Dear readers, I hope you've had a wonderful New Year's celebration, as calm or dashing as it may have been. I'm thankful for each one of you who accompanied and inspired me on this journey through last year, and welcome every new reader who finds his way to my little space.

This year will be filled with projects and crafts. Lots of unfinished ones as well, of course. Yes, I do have some thoughts on New Year's resolutions, but I like to call them ideas. Nothing too mandatory. Leaving enough air for inspirations and cogitations to do their thing. And things do work out, sooner or later, even if unexpected and sometimes in a surprising way.


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