Monday, May 03, 2010


Every once in a while I bake a cake. And then, for those couple of hours I spend in the kitchen, I have the feeling I could indeed be a housewife and enjoy that sort of thing; rummaging around between pots and pans, rushing through the house with a duster, wearing my cute red apron.. until I come face to face with the pile of last week's dishes. That really takes all the fun out of housewifing.

Anyways. With a little help of my mother over the phone I managed to make this new creation, including bananas and a stiff chocolate sprinkled cream. The best part was coating the top of the cake with small crumbs and pretending to build a sandcastle.

Sorry for the sadly lighted picture though, the sun hasn't been out for a while now. One day, I'd love to make the achievements in my kitchen look like the wonderful creations on this site. 
Careful though, food orgasm included.

1 comment:

  1. Just spent the last 30minutes with reading everything.
    I love reading you!!
    So be my guest and keep posting lovely pics but also the words, cause you're good with them!
    Much of <3 for you! x


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